Homeopathy Oakland
Homeopathy Oakland
Opening hours
1751 Virginia St.
Berkeley, California 94703
Berkeley, California 94703
Our Booking PolicyAdvance payment required within 48 hours of first appointment. There is a charge of 50% of the appointment fee for appointments not cancelled at least 24 hours in advance.
Homeoprophylaxis Program Consultation
As a certified classical homeopath and wellness educator for the last thirty years, I have seen the power of homeopathy, nutrition, and my common sense approach to natural health and preventative care make a big difference to my clients. I am particularly interested in helping people with digestive issues and have seen my clients overcome irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, reflux, nausea, food sensitivities … virtually every symptom or combination of symptoms that people experience can be relieved with homeopathic remedies. I’m passionate about helping individuals and families navigate health care choices and become as healthy as they can be.
Please see my website and Yelp for testimonials.
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